Basic TESLA GLASSES (black frame) - $1300
Advanced TESLA GLASSES X (white frame) - $2500 Advanced TESLA GLASSES X20 (Basic Tesla Glasses with Matrix Card, value $2500) - $3200 Advanced TESLA GLASSES ULTRA (Advanced Tesla Glasses X with Matrix Card) - $4200 HEALTH, ENHANCEMENT AND REJUVENATION PROMOTION WITH TESLA GLASSES
- Up to 95% of the Russian population are in the state of stress.
- In our country, 50 million people are in need of improving their eye sight. - More than 4 million people a year lose their eye sight, out of whom 400 000 go blind. - Conventional medicine cannot solve the health problems that quickly, cheaply and effectively as TESLA GLASSES can! Brain Research Institute in Moscow proved that our biological age may be higher than the passport age for 10-15 years, because of the diseases. But it is possible to get rejuvenated for 10-15 and more years in comparison with the passport age. WHO NEEDS TESLA GLASSES?
- Business people and those people who are over 40 years for active longevity
- Athletes and Military, students - Everyone who works on the PC APPLICATION OF THE TESLA GLASSES IS PARTICULARLY USEFUL FOR:
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease
- The positive effect in the case of somatic and mental disorders - Reduction of occupational injuries and accidents on the roads - Improvement of sleep, mood and efficiency - the removal of eye fatigue, improvement of vision in myopia, glaucoma, cataract and presbyopia - The development of creative abilities and improving sleep In addition, high efficiency and low cost of procedure allows every PC user apply TESLA GLASSES for removing eye fatigue. The device is useful to anyone who has to deal with PCs and mobile phones for the prevention of myopia, hyperopia, cataract and glaucoma. INDICATIONS AND COUNTER-INDICATIONS FOR USE
Prevention and correction of: • Stress and its consequences; • Deterioration of the physical and mental performance; • Reduction of immunity and the bodily defenses; • Eye diseases; • Diseases of the internal organs and physiological systems Contraindications: - Children younger than 3 years old; - Epilepsy; - Cancer and tumors of various localization; - After organ and tissue transplantation; - In acute inflammatory diseases of the eye; - During other serious diseases TECHNOLOGY
The device consists of a control circuit and Light-Emitting Diodes. One pair of glasses can be used by the entire family.
TESLA GLASSES use the method of Polarized Holography. Polarized Holography is the application of Quantum Physics for the purpose of rejuvenating all organs of the person through the Eye Crystal (Eye Lens and Iris). It is proven to provide significant physical and mental improvement, including a significant improvement in brain functions: decision speed, attention and memory. The method consists in the control of the brain via triggering the holographic signal in the eye, and its modulation. This control overwrites any verbal and mental imperatives, is non-local (can be used for instantaneous transmission of information at infinitely large distances), instantaneous (exceeds speed of light), and simultaneously reaching out towards every cell in the body. The method is based upon Quantum Physics, specifically, upon the theory and technology of Polarized Holography, which uses the modulation of the holographic signal according to the Kozyrev Mirror principle. The method is based upon the special ability of an eye to convert any linear signal into the holographic signal. The process of this conversion consists in the emergence of the scalar wave diffraction grating, polarization and refraction toward the zero center of the wave crystal (torus). Since the universe is holographic, we can record and transmit information only via the holographic signal, and through the zero center of the wave crystal. The zero center of every toroidal wave crystal coincides from the zero center of every chromosome on the cellular level, and every atom and subatomic particle on the subatomic level to the zero center of our galaxy. TECHNOLOGY (CONTINUED)
Any healing, rejuvenation, and mental, psychic, and physical enhancement are based upon the ability to produce, control and enhance the holographic signal. The holographic signal instantaneously reaches the zero center of every wave crystal in our body, from the subatomic and atomic to the molecular levels – from the zero center of our skull and every bone to the zero center of every metacentric chromosome. Our eyes, skull, bones and chromosomes are centered and focused similar to our eye crystal according to the laws of the geometrical optics.
Hence, the eye is a very unique receiver, transmitter, and producer of the holographic signal. And that is precisely why vision is a trigger of brain activity. Via correct triggering the holographic signal in the zero center of the eye crystal, we can immediately reach the zero center of the toroidal wave crystal of our brain, thus delivering controlling information instantaneously into the zero center of the wave crystal of every metacentric chromosome in cell division, and into the zero center of the wave crystal of every bone, so that stem cells are programmed in a correct way in the bone marrow. Correct triggering consists in the modulation of the holographic signal in the eye. The modulation of the holographic signal in TESLA GLASSES consists in (1) modulation by the Schumann holographic signal; (2) modulation by human Brain holographic signal; (3) modulation by the holographic signal of a healthy organ and physiological system, recorded upon the chip in the glasses. It is combined with the modulation by the narrowband light-emitting diode sources of five colors. Research had shown that five colors, used by the glasses, benefit organs and physiological systems. The signal for every color is produced from the holographic signal of healthy organs and physiological systems, and, then, it is matched with the color. The signal of the color is not simply the color frequency. The carrier holographic signal is the individual holographic signal of the user – the unique [indestructible and uncreated] non-local wave matrix of the user. This is the primary holographic signal. The modulation holographic signals are the holographic enhancers, which help the unique [indestructible and uncreated] non-local wave matrix of the user get centered and focused in this dimension (on this planet). These are secondary holographic signals. The advantage of the glasses over other Quantum Leap Polarized Holography devices is that glasses use an eye as a filter for filtering out all harmful linear signals, which unseal wave crystals. For example, microwave radiation shortens brain waves via “unsealing” the involuted wave crystals, thus, literally lowering the intellectual potential of people. Thus, the effect of the TESLA GLASSES is based not simply upon the superficial stimulation of innervation. The stimulation of innervation, tone of the eye muscles, blood circulation, regeneration, and enhancement of all other biochemical and bioelectrical processes in the body are based upon the structural efficacy of Polarized Holography, which centers and focuses chromosomes, and prevents the transformation of metacentric chromosomes into acrocentric chromosomes. The modulation via secondary holographic signals (see above) allows for the emergence of the most coherent and sophisticated scalar wave diffraction grating that produces the more clear zero focus within the wave crystal (of a wave torus on every level from the atomic, subatomic to cellular and molecular levels). The modulation occurs through the designated areas of Iris, each one corresponding to a specific organ in the body. As a result, the user achieves the stimulation of the projection zones in the Iris, each one being connected to a specific organ in the body. In addition, TESLA GLASSES use the same effect as the binaural therapy. Binaural therapy uses the stereo effect, when signal in one ear gets into the brain with delay in relation to signal in the other ear. This produces the emergence of the complex scalar wave diffraction grating in the skull, based upon Kozyrev Mirror principle (polarization, refraction and emergence of the zero center of the wave crystal). Similar to this, TESLA GLASSES use the stereo effect of color signal, when color signal in one eye gets into the brain with delay in relation to signal in the other eye. Ophthalmologists have found that all healthy people have rhythmic alternation visual perception. Man sees in turn by the right eye, and, then, by the left eye at regular intervals. These intervals last for 2-3 seconds. The research was conducted using modern 3D technologies. And if one eye is covered by a blue filter, and the other eyes is covered by the red filter, the healthy person sees both colors simultaneously and separately. The left eye sees 20% of the image, and the right eye sees 80% of the image. With age, these rhythms get broken. But the restoration of the "biological clock" is possible using Polarized Holography, modulated by color signals, with the frequency of the brain of a healthy person. And, as the positive effect, we can achieve a significant rejuvenation of the body. |
TESLA GLASSES BY WAVE GENOMEArticle published by Irene Caesar, Ph.D., Founder, Owner and President of Wave Genome, in January 2015, All Rights Reserved, © IRENE CAESAR, 2015.
Used by Russian Military pilots and Astronauts, TESLA GLASSES by WAVE GENOME LLC are not "glasses" per se, but QUANTUM BIOCOMPUTER, which functions like brain massager and programmer. TESLA GLASSES massage the brain with holographic signal and program designated areas of the brain with the holographic signal modulated with the holographic information restoring brain area responsible for a specific organ and physiological system, and thus, restoring this specific organ and physiological system through the brain. The frequencies entering the eye are getting folded (reflected upon themselves) within the eye crystal,
to become holographic signals. Every segment of the retina is connected to a specific brain area.
And the holographic signal hitting the retina, activates a specific segment of retina, and, therefore,
a specific area of your brain. Thus, through brain, you massage your entire body from inside,
including organs that need treatment, and program your organ in need of treatment for regeneration.
TESLA GLASSES X (Advanced Model)TESLA GLASSES X (Advanced Model) offers 11 modules similar to the modules of the BASIC TESLA GLASSES in addition to the low frequency electrical stimulation of the acupuncture points around eyes, and the possibility to manually change the distance between the focus points in accordance with the distance between the pupils.
In 2020, Wave Genome LLC has released a new model -- the ADVANCED TESLA GLASSES X20. The low frequency electrical stimulation of the acupuncture points around eyes is substituted for the MATRIX CARD (the set of passive antenas for creating the scalar wave diffraction grating, $2000 additional value).
![]() The difference between the Advanced Tesla Glasses and the Basic Tesla Glasses is as follows. The Advanced Tesla Glasses do not use replaceable disposable batteries (batteries). The Advanced Tesla Glasses have a round connector at the bottom of the case to charge them. The Advanced Tesla Glasses come with a USB cable with which the glasses can be charged from any USB port, computer, phone charger, portable power bank and the like. Definition of the icons on the screen and instructions on the installation are below. When you press the centrally-located Power button, the glasses turn on. Then, use the arrow buttons (UP and DOWN buttons) to select the program number from 1 to 12, where 10 is 0. (zero with a dot), 11 is 1. (one with a dot), 12 (the utility program to check the proper work of all LEDs and get the most dense scalar wave diffraction grating) is 2. (two with a dot). After that, press the Power button again. The display on the control board changes from numbers to signs. You select the mode for electrical stimulation with the up-down arrows (UP and DOWN buttons). The following signs correspond to the levels of electrostimulation, or its absence: . (dot only) — electrostimulation off - (one dash) - level 1 - — (two dashes) - level 2 --- (three dashes) — level 3 A — level 4 B — level 5 C — level 6 D — level 7 E — level 8 F — level 9 H — level 10 Then, press the POWER button again. The symbols should blink several times, and the device starts working in the specified program. If you press and hold the POWER button again for more than 2 seconds, the device turns off. BASIC TESLA GLASSESMANUAL FOR TESLA GLASSES (ADVANCED MODEL AND BASIC MODEL)
STEVE (60 YEARS OLD): TESLA GLASSES TESTIMONIALThese Russian glasses are absolutely amazing, I have to say. When I first got them, I was very skeptical. They have a lot of different things that they can do including high blood pressure adjustment, obesity, depression, and a variety of other things. So obviously I could not test out all of these things, but I wanted to test out whether these glasses could help me to reduce the doctor's settings on my reading glasses. When I started, I was using diopter 2.5.
So, I started using the glasses, and after about a week I went down to 2.25, and I could see just as well pretty much. After another 3 to 4 days, I went down to a diopter of two, and, then, after another 3 to 4 days, I went down to a diopter of 1.75. This took a little adjustment so I stayed there for about a week, and, then, I continued to use the glasses, and it went down to 1.5 and, then, I went down to a diopter setting at 1.25. I got busy at that time and could not continue to do the exercises, so I'm still basically at 1.25 after four months, but I do not need the 2.5 at all. I noticed that my vision is much sharper when reading and now I can actually read music in Church, and also on my iPhone without the glasses at all. It's slightly blurry but I could still do it and, sure, this makes life much more convenient! There's one other thing that I use these glasses for. Sometimes I will awake in the middle of the night and cannot get back to sleep easily. So I'll put glasses on setting five, which is a blue violet color and usually one session or maybe two, and I'm right back asleep. If I don't do that, I'll be up for quite some time. This is a really nice feature. So, I can say without a doubt that these glasses really work. Based on the functions that I've tested, I've got good results. DIRK: TESLA GLASSES TESTIMONIALForget Bates, forget Quertant
Review by Dirk For years my wife and I have been interested in natural methods of eye/vision improvement, but these glasses top the bill. I have to thank Georg for pointing me to the Wavegenome catologue. After some hesitation (the price!), I decided to go for it, because I stronlgy suspected they would be worth the investment. We have not been disappointed: forget Bates, forget Quertant, these glasses gave us better and quicker results than anything we tried before, and with minimal time investment. My wife was starting to have trouble reading small print, but that is history now, and she won't be buying reading glasses after all. I myself have noticed marked improvement in my myopia. We haven't been able to test every program, but it is already clear to me we will be using these glasses daily, for a very long time. The effects are profound, both on vision and on general wellbeing. To me, 3 minutes of using these glasses is worth taking a nap or meditating for an hour, depending on the program. (I admit being very sensitive) Highly recommended! (Posted on 28/07/2017) |
"0" or "0." is "10". "1." is "11". "2." is "12". The dot designates the next level of performance. PROGRAMS FOR PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL CORRECTION
HOW TO CHANGE THE BATTERIES FOR TESLA GLASSESTESLA GLASSES by WAVE GENOME use two international standard round batteries, available anywhere in the world. To change the batteries, please unscrew the central plastic screw (see the drawing above). The screw is located in the center of the motherboard. Take the motherboard off the glasses. You will see two round batteries on the left and on the right side of the TESLA GLASSES. Please use a screw driver or other long object to push the batteries out of their sockets. Replace them with new ones, taking care of polarity. Screw the motherboard back with the screw.